Sight Words Level 1 Video Download
Rock 'N Learn
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Sight words are the most frequently used words in children's literature, and this DVD helps students read them automatically. As a supplement to phonics-based strategies, Rock 'N Learn Sight Words boosts reading and spelling skills. Children learn over 60 sight words through engaging characters, entertaining songs, and fun practice. Words are presented in context to help build reading comprehension. Includes all pre-primer Dolch words, the top 20 from Fry's, and more. A bonus section allows learners to practice the words in isolation, focusing on word shapes as well as spelling each word.
Video downloads are delivered as MP4 files. For instructions on how to use these files, check your device's documentation or contact the manufacturer. Rental or streaming digital formats are available on Amazon.
Pre-k & up. Approx. 50 minutes
Sight Words Level 1 iBook also available.
The National Parenting Center’s Seal of Approval
Dr. Toy’s 10 Best Audio/Visual
Dr. Toy’s 100 Best Children’s Products
Parents’ Choice Recommended
Mom’s Choice Awards, Gold Recognition
National Parenting Publications Awards (NAPPA) Honors
Mom’s Best Award Awesome Products
Learning® Magazine Teachers’ ChoiceSM Award for the Family
Creative Child Magazine, DVD of the Year Award
Family Choice Award – Family Magazine Group
Tillywig Brain Child Award
“Using the magic of the TV screen to teach kids phonics, spelling, comprehension and loads of sight words, Rock ‘N Learn is back to doing what they do best, engaging your children and teaching them in unique and fun ways. Using the great tunes that they have come to be known for, it won’t take long before you are all humming along, even when the DVD isn’t playing! The structure of the DVD is such that you can break the learning up into sections and learn one sight word at a time or you can watch straight through numerous times and allow the lessons to sink in. And sink in they do. Rock ‘N Learn really has perfected the art of capturing the minds and imaginations of viewers and really getting the message in, not for a fleeting moment but for a long time.” – Review from National Parenting Center
“The Rock 'N Learn gang brings its knack for making learning easy to practice of sight words, the most frequently used words in the English language. Brad, Susan, Chip, and Festus help kids become great readers by turning learning into fun and games, with plenty of music and singing to heighten the learning experience. Kids learn over 60 sight words (taught in context to help build comprehension), with plenty of the sort of practice so essential to make reading automatic. The animated video segments, each of which takes a different playful approach to helping kids absorb the words, are roughly one to two minutes apiece. The brevity and variety of these 16 segments, along with some equally effective and enjoyable bonus material, helps keep kids engaged and happily coming back for more. The material covered includes all pre-primer Dolch words, the top 20 from Fry's first 100, and more.” – Review from Tillywig Award
“Entertaining songs, rhythmic repetition, colorful animation and engaging characters are highlights in this colorful jaunt through the English language. Primary sight words are the key to building successful readers and this DVD allows children to learn them automatically. Quirky robots and catchy techno music tunes draw young viewers into reading and the mastery of over sixty common sight words.
“Encouragement is highlighted in the learning process as the theme of ‘the more you read the better you get’ is woven throughout. The characters are cast as young teens with electric guitars and an animated music video backdrop. Friendship and learning go hand-in-hand as the characters dance and bop, seeking to conquer sight word mastery and reading comprehension.
“We found this an engaging new twist in the teaching of reading skills that will bring youngsters one step further in their learning process.” – Dove “Family-Approved”
“If you have a pre-kindergarten, or early elementary-aged child, I cannot recommend Sight Words more. It is awesome. With bright words, lots of music, and hours of entertainment. I love that you can break up the dvd into sections to learn one sight word at a time, or watch the whole thing right through. So far, we have only watched it right through but it has kept the attention of both my children. Though my younger child is only three, she also did enjoy Sight Words and it does give her a little head start in her learning. Mostly, right now she just dances to the music. I know this is one DVD that will be used around our home, and with my home daycare for a long time to come. Thank you, Rock N Learn, for another great product.” – Shirley
“Sight Words is geared specifically towards pre-K aged children, however it's been a great review for my daughter who just graduated from Kindergarten and a fun edition to our collection for my 3 year old. So while my kids are a little bit in-between the geared ages for this title, they still love it! Their favorite part of these DVDs are the upbeat songs. They love to get up and dance to them, and if I can sneak education into the time they spend watching TV then that's even better to me! I was excited to learn that in the development of Sight Words, Rock 'n Learn actually worked with reading specialists and actual classroom teachers with combined experience of over 50 years.” – Beth W.
“The sight words being featured are highlighted on the screen as they are sung, making it easier for kids to follow along. It includes little sentences that are easy for kids to practice reading, as well as understand the meaning of the words they are reading. ‘Up’ for instance in the video shows the little alien going up the stairs in the song, and then shows him going ‘down’ the stairs. Included on the Sight Words DVD are a couple of bonus sections that you can access from the main menu – one talking about word shapes, and another one about pronouncing ‘the,’ which can be a real trip-up for kids. Sight Words is another great title that I am so pleased to add to our homeschooling arsenal. I suggest following this DVD with the Phonics set, because they accompany each other really well. The DVD includes all the pre-primer Dolch words, as well as the top 20 from Fry's, and others, so kids are learning the words they are supposed to be at this level/age range. Now my daughter is still a little too young to be reading books on her own, but I know that she's soaking up the information she's learning from this DVD and other titles from the Rock 'N Learn series, and she just loves the songs. We read a lot of books together, and I am keeping my fingers crossed that she's going to be reading on her own as much as I was. So far, so good.” – Storm R.
“It's official! My family is in L-O-V-E with Rock 'N Learn! These amazing DVDs and CDs are excellent learning tools and truly engaging to young children. =) Sight Words helps children learn to read by giving them the ability to recognize sight words (the most common words that, after practicing them over and over, you automatically know) like up, down, look, see, and find. Through music and repetition, the folks at Rock 'N Learn have instilled a lot of reading basics into Little Man and he's only just begun! I really like how it opens the door for parents to elaborate on sight words and get little ones reading. Little Man has been finding sight words everywhere and watches the movie daily!” – Gabby
“I really liked this DVD and I know my kids did too. As always, they wanted to watch it again right after it was over the first time. I feel so happy when my girls learn something new. It lets me know how much they are growing up. Having DVD's like this make me want to get a TV and DVD player in their room so they can watch these anytime they want. These are the type of things I wouldn't mind them watching a lot. If they are learning (for the good), I am okay with it. My personal favorite was when they were focusing on the words ‘look, see, find.’ This DVD will help children learn frequently used words, and it acts as a supplement to phonics-based strategies.”
After receiving many requests for a sight words DVD, Rock 'N Learn created a highly entertaining DVD to help learn beginning sight words. Featuring exciting animation, Rock 'N Learn Sight Words holds the attention of young learners through humorous dialogue, catchy songs, and solid instruction.
To develop Sight Words, we worked with reading specialists—actual classroom teachers with combined teaching of over 50 years. These teachers are well trained and highly experienced to know what actually works when helping kids learn to read.
Often we hear the recommendation from educators that sight words need to be taught not only in isolation but also within a meaningful context to develop understanding and reading comprehension. This becomes even more important for children who are learning a new language or are experiencing frustration. With this program for example, when children learn "up" and "down," these words are taught in the context of seeing objects or characters moving up and down.
Another example of contextual learning from Sight Words DVD occurs in the section "Look, See, Find." Children practice a simple but fun dance that helps them associate actions with these words. In our focus groups, children loved performing these movements and singing right along with the Sight Words DVD.
To get the most from this program, we recommend that your child watch the DVD again and again. A fun, entertaining video like Rock 'N Learn Sight Words will likely become one of your child's favorites. Kids love joining in with the engaging characters and singing these songs, reading the words, and participating. Soon, your child will be reading more than 60 beginning sight words quickly and automatically.
With our Sight Words DVD, children also get practice reading words in simple sentences and stories. This helps learners make a solid connection between the sight words and their meaning. Rock 'N Learn Sight Words DVD is designed to be effective at home or in the classroom, with individuals or groups. A supporting website offers free, supplemental activities.
On the DVD, one bonus section helps students focus on the shape of each word and practice spelling it. Another bonus section provides kids with insight into the pronunciation of "t-h-e," something that even a lot of the adults on our development team found fascinating.
We're confident you will not find a better DVD to help your child or class learn sight words. It's perfect for learners of all ages, both young beginners and older kids with remedial or special needs. As with all of our products, we offer a complete 30-day satisfaction guarantee.
Sight Words Covered:
- up • down • come • go • in • out
- of • the • a
- where • is • it • here • there
- one • two • three • red • yellow • blue • little • big
- look • see • find
- run • jump • play • away • and
- you • I • we • can • make • funny • face • get
- to • for • me • my • give • from • came • as • are
- no • not • now • said • help • will
- he • she • his • her • they • that • was • with • on
Bonus Sections:
- Word Shapes
- Pronouncing t-h-e