Multiplication Rap DVD & Video Download
Rock 'N Learn

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Everyone loves rapping along and learning multiplication with D.J. Doc Roc – the Hip Hop Hamster. Positive lyrics, fun music, and high-energy action make these multiplication rap video songs irresistible. Multiplication facts 2 through 12 are easy to learn and remember with a different song for each set of facts. Includes bonus sections: skip counting and a section that clearly explains what multiplication is all about.
Video downloads are delivered as MP4 files. For instructions on how to use these files, check your device's documentation or contact the manufacturer. Rental or streaming digital formats are available on Amazon and iTunes.
Grades 3 & up. Approx. 46 minutes.
Everyone loves rapping along and learning multiplication with D.J. Doc Roc – the Hip Hop Hamster. Positive lyrics, fun music, and high-energy action make these multiplication rap video songs irresistible. Multiplication facts 2 through 12 are easy to learn and remember with a different song for each set of facts. Includes bonus sections: skip counting and a section that clearly explains what multiplication is all about.
Grades 3 & up. Approx. 46 minutes.
Audio CD & Book version also available.
Learning® Magazine Teachers’ ChoiceSM Award for the Family
iParenting Media Award, Best Product
Creative Child Magazine, Preferred Choice Award
Coalition for Quality Children’s Media, Kids First! Endorsement
The National Parenting Center’s Seal of Approval
Learning® Magazine Teachers’ ChoiceSM Award for the Classroom
The Toy Man Seal of Approval
Family Choice Award – Family Magazine Group
Tillywig Toy Awards Brain Child
Dr. Toy’s 10 Best Children’s Audio/Video Tapes
Dr. Toy’s 100 Best Children’s Products
The Communicator Award of Distinction
“If your children love rap, this is a great way for them to learn multiplication tables. The hip hop beat keeps kids rapping with the animated rap characters until multiplication is easy and accurate. Thirteen rap songs teach multiplication from zero through twelve, each fact being repeated twice. The second time through, the answer is delayed, giving the student time to answer before the answer is given. The DVD also includes skip counting songs that use repetition to teach an alternative way of learning multiplication facts. The method of skip counting uses two bicycles wheels, three sides to a triangle, four wheels to a car, five fingers to a hand, and so on. Skip counting repeats several times, increasing the speed each time through the series. The back of the DVD says, "Millions of students have learned their multiplication facts through 12 with this program." I'm sure they have.” – Kate O'Mara Eclectic Homeschool Online
“This program provides a fantastic multisensory resource for learning and reviewing multiplication facts. Clear visuals, fun songs, and plenty of repetition provides a positive learning experience.” – Cynthia Grabke, Halifax Elementary School, MA from the School Library Journal
"The songs were fun and a great way to put the facts into memory. The delayed answers give children time to answer the question. The characters held the attention of the children for something that can be rote and boring. While this would be an added benefit to the classroom, often teachers do not have enough time in the day to add supplemental items to the curriculum; that is why it is a great idea to also promote this to parents to use at home." – reviewer, iParenting Media Awards
“There's really not too much fun about learning multiplication. In my memories, learning how to multiply was a whole lot of writing and rewriting 2X1 = 2, 2X2=4, 2X3=6, with memorization. Nothing fun at all. The people at Rock 'N Learn are definitely on to something with their Multiplication Rap DVD. Featuring a hip hop hamster, DJ Doc Roc, it includes songs and raps that make multiplication fun. Each set of facts has its own multiplication rap song! The DVD runs about 50 minutes, and includes an 11 minute segment entitled "What is Multiplication?" It provides an overview of what multiplication is really all about, and is actually interesting to listen to.” – Jodi
“One of my students brought in the Multiplication Rap DVD to share. We enjoyed it for a week, and I saw the power of both seeing and hearing the facts. So, I'm ordering lots for my 3rd and 4th graders. The Spanish is largely for my own child, but the class saw the ad for it at the end of the DVD and got excited, so I'll use it as a reward for work completion.” – Carolyn M.
"This DVD is an entertaining way for children to learn their multiplication facts. The characters are fun, and the dancing, singing, and energetic music make this an effective DVD. There is a segment with the familiar Marko the Pencil, which explains what multiplication is. The graphics and animation are excellent, as is the audio quality. The intro is relatively short and jumps right into the multiplication exercises. Each exercise has a different look and song, making the content less repetitive than it could be. The company has done a great job in making a learning DVD entertaining and educational." – reviewer, iParenting Media Awards
"Multiplication can be fun for children when they learn while catching the performance of D.J. Doc Rock and the Get Smart crew. The lyrics encourage good study habits and motivate students." – Dr. Toy's 10 Best Audio/Video
Learning multiplication facts can be fun and exciting when you rap along to learn and retain facts. Upbeat music with positive lyrics, energetic performers, and humorous characters make these hip-hop songs popular with kids of all ages. Delayed answers the second time multiplication facts are presented allow students to check their progress. These songs help kids learn multiplication facts quickly and easily.
Multiplication Rap video offers fast-paced action to hold the interest of kids and get results. This video allows self-study and individually paced instruction. D.J. Doc Roc is the Hip Hop Hamster that appeals to kids of all ages. He is joined by MCM, Capital C, Bling-Bot, and other fun characters of the Get Smart Crew. Each set of facts has its own unique video song. As a bonus, this DVD now has Skip Counting for 2 through 12 and 25.
Multiplication Rap video also includes the bonus section: "What is Multiplication?" This 11-minute segment clearly explains what multiplication is all about. For example, students learn how multiplication is repeated addition. They learn the Nines Trick, use manipulative objects such as pennies to understand multiplication, learn about the commutative property of multiplication, and more.
Multiplication Rap video is perfect for students of all ages including older students who are offended by juvenile-sounding multiplication songs. Although you will find other multiplication recordings and plenty of imitators, this is the award-winning Rock 'N Learn Multiplication Rap video.
Multiplication Rap DVD includes:
- Power Rap (0x, 1x)
- Dance and Multiply Two (2x)
- What Numbers Do (3x)
- In Your Brain (4x)
- Numbers' Beat Rap (5x)
- Everybody Multiply (6x)
- Classroom Star (7x)
- Singin' and Rhymin' (8x)
- Crank It Out (9x)
- The Big One-Oh (10x)
- Multiplication Blvd. (11x)
- Dozen Rhyme (12x)
- Skip Counting Songs (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 25)
Bonus Segment: What Is Multiplication?