Letter Sounds - Silly Sentences Board Book
Rock 'N Learn

Give little ones an early boost learning the sounds that letters make. Silly sentences for all 26 letters help develop pre-literacy skills. Bright, colorful illustrations add to the fun. A game-show format challenges young minds to say or point to the letter featured in each sentence. The soothing effect of hearing repeated sounds makes this board book perfect before naps or bedtime. Goes along with a segment from Rock ‘N Learn Letter Sounds video or can be used independently. Get ready for giggles and learning! Ages 1 and up. 30 pages.
- Even before talking, children love hearing the sounds of each silly sentence. As language develops, children enjoy pointing to and eventually saying correct letters.
- Work with small sections or individual letters with very young children. With time, they’ll be ready for you to read the entire book in one sitting.
- May be used independently or along with Rock ‘N Learn preschool and reading videos.